Hearing Protection Safety
Hearing is one of our treasured senses that we depend on every day to do our jobs better. On the farm, it’s our hearing we use to diagnose those subtle, but significant mechanical problems or detect a bad electrical contact. It’s our hearing that detects one ailing animal in an active livestock barn. In many cases our hearing is a difference maker by detecting something early before it can go wrong. Problem is that we don’t treat our hearing as requiring life-long preservation. Because significant pain is rarely associated with hearing loss, we don’t sense any immediate harm. Therefore we are not as apt to think about hearing protection or loss…..until it’s too late.
Hearing Facts & Myths
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
Ear muffs and ear plugs are the most widely used personal protective equipment to reduce noise levels. PPE is measured according to its noise reducing rating or NRR. The NRR rating indicates the reduction in decibels when PPE is properly used. Hearing protection should have a noise reduction rating of at least 25 decibels. This reduction typically gets users back to a safe zone (example: 100 dB noise – 25 dB hearing protection = 75 db safe zone). Whether you choose earplugs or ear muffs it’s important to remember that hearing protection needs to be used whenever you are exposed to loud noises. Keep some form of hearing protection relatively close by so they are always accessible.