Safer Times: The Good Day's Work Blog

Do You Need a Safety Training Consultant?

Posted by Good Day's Work on Feb 23, 2017
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Running an agriculture operation is hard work. It’s also dangerous work. Every year agriculture finds itself at the top of the list of the ten most dangerous industries in the United States. Little wonder, then, that OSHA has started paying more attention to farms, feedlots, dairies, and other ag operations. And with the cost of OSHA citations increasing, farmers and ranchers simply can’t afford to let unsafe operating practices go overlooked.

 man_with_tractor.jpgSafety Training Should Be a Crucial Part of Your Operation

Many managers of ag operations that have seen a high number of injuries and fatalities can attest – having a quality safety training program pays dividends in reducing accidents and decreasing costs. It’s good for morale, too. Your employees can approach a job knowing they have the skills and expertise to perform that job safely.

Maybe you’ve already started to make those much-needed improvements to your operation. Maybe you’ve consulted (and begun) a safety training program. But maybe you still need to get started. There’s no time like the present. The sooner you begin developing a culture of safety in your operation, the sooner you will begin to reap the rewards.

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Topics: safety director, safety culture, safety training program

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